Encounter CHRIST


A curated collection of intimate properties in ItalyFrance and Greece that have been commissioned and ordained by our King, that He may dwell with His people. These estates are being built with the decrees of our fathers in the faith, honoring the foundations laid by Haggai and Nehemiah. Our mission, like our gospel, is divinely simple - build for Him, that He may come. 

The King's Italian estate will be the first of this collection to be dedicated and opened to His people. Just as the priests saw the glory of God blanket the Temple of Solomon, we cry out with that same expectancy; yearning for His touch, so that all who stay here may encounter Him.

When Solomon finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple. The priests could not enter the temple of the Lord because the glory of the Lord filled it.

2 Chronicles 7: 1-2


“We are dedicated to creating organic, self-sustaining estates that lay the table of God with excellence and overflow with the good of His land. Having both been classically trained at Le Cordon Bleu Paris, we are committed to curating seasonal menus that cultivate healing and nourishment for God's people.

Like the tables of Acts, we understand the power of breaking the King's bread and sharing our meals with unity, gladness and praise. Jesus is our ever-present host of honor and His seat will be adored at our tables as we feast on His sovereign goodness and limitless abundance.”



Our estate calendar will be one that mirrors the calendar of heaven, as we will celebrate and host all of God's Appointed Times, His feasts and His festivals.

We will be a people who regularly take communion and joyfully bring in the harvest of His land and vines. A peculiar people, who will be filled with life eternal and the light of men.

These royal events will be open to the public and sealed in our diary at the start of every year, so that all who yearn to dance with the King, may come. 


There will be a sanctuary, adorned with painted frescos, the words of God carved in stone and cathedral style windows humbly shaping the golden light, making this a place of peace and solitude on each estate. While our hope is that you find your own special “garden” to walk with Him on our grounds, we do believe that we must be a house of prayer with an intentional place established for this purpose.

The sanctuary will be open perpetually and will pen a Bridal love letter to our Lord that reads, “He is desired here.”


A place of heavenly renewal, our pool will be an oasis for those who need rest and healing. This body of water will be poured with intentional salts and minerals that restore the body and mirror God's perfect design in His natural hot springs. Water is a place the Holy Spirit loves to brood over, which is why so many find such peace in His oceans and ravines. 

Because water is such a strong prophetic and biblical symbol in the life of those who follow Jesus, this will also serve as our baptismal site.

The pool will truly be a place of rebirth and resurrection, as well as a place to gather and receive rest. It will remain an intimate anchor on the grounds that will call to each of us to come and be washed by Him. 

He leads me beside still waters, He restores my soul.

Psalm 29


Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11:28

The guests of the estate are covered with the utmost care and compassion. We know that loving God means loving people, and that priestly heart to serve Him, means we must serve one another.

All who have been led here are the King's guests and the treasured guests of the estate. We will be a place of rest and a true house of sabbatical and encounter. 

As the father of the prodigal received his son with gladness and honor, we say to you, “come home just as you are, but may you leave this place, never the same.”

Répondez s'il vous plaît

You are invited, all year long, to be our cherished guests. We are honored to be your covering for retreatssabbaticalsintimate events and bespoke celebrations at all of our estates. In addition to accommodating you, we offer custom packages with a personal concierge, a seasonal menu from the estate, intentional itineraries, private travel arrangements and tailored event planning.

We remain at the ready to serve you, and in doing so, we serve our Savior. 

Will you come and encounter Him?