Our candles are rooted in the Altar of Incense found before the Holy Veil in the Tent of Meeting, where God desired a specific fragrance to burn before Him as He dwelled among His people. Our candles will burn perpetually at KINGDOM HAUS with that same Levitical heart for Him, to come and dwell with us; serving as a tangible reminder that our prayers and reliance on Him is a sweet smelling incense unto His Throne.

“Aaron must burn fragrant incense on the altar every morning when he tends the lamps. He must burn incense again when he lights the lamps at twilight so incense will burn regularly before the Lord for the generations to come.”

Exodus 30: 7-8


As God opened the scroll and allowed us to see the vision for His candles, it was clear that His heart was brooding over the vessel. The revelation that each vessel is the altar which holds the fragrance God loves to smell, made our mandate as builders divinely clear - these could not be manufactured, they needed to be created.

There was one that God had chosen and appointed for this moment, and it was here that our King wooed us to the studio of John Almaguer. 

John, “the fire dancer,” as he beautifully calls himself, apprenticed, lived and worked in Italy where he trained under Maestro Oscar Zanetti and Arnaldo Zanella in Murano. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in glass and has dedicated his life to creating one of a kind collections on earth, as he sees them in heaven.

From the moment we reached out to John for this unique dream, sharing images of Aaron's breastplate as our inspiration, a divine synergy began to flow. John quickly began working to create a bespoke and custom form for our candles, that would hold this fragrant offering to the Lord.

Every one of our vessels was designed, created and hand blown by this master glassblower; which means that each one is unique with intention and thoughtfully crafted by hand.

This form of worship is something we have seen before, in the account of Exodus {Exodus 35: 32-33}. Bezalel, from the Tribe of Judah, was the first person ever recorded in the Bible as being filled with the Holy Spirit to create works of art for the Tent of Meeting. We find joy in knowing that God is still calling His servants to be filled and used in this same way, thousands of years later - to adore Him. 


“Creating something that has never been seen before excites me. I make unseen things come alive in the manifest realm. What a joy to dance this dance of creating works that God dreamt of making through me long before I even breathed. And now I breathe, and art is formed.”


We believe that God has a sensitive awareness of sweet aroma {Exodus 30: 34-36}. The fragrant offerings of His people, like our praises, are what He loves to inhabit. It is that understanding of His nature that led us to be protective in our instincts to follow the senses of Jesus, alone. If it is Him we burn for, then each fragrance in our library must be pleasing and chosen by the King. 

We source the purest raw materials, working with the best perfumers in Europe and building each candle in such a way that reaches His Throne and pleases Him. God is in the details, and those details, down to the wick and wax, must testify in all the earth, giving Him the glory.

Created in an intimate design house in the South of France, our labels were birthed with scriptural intention and carefully applied to each vessel by hand. They mark each candle as the fragrance of this house and our golden label magnifies the heart's cry of the Bride, “Maranatha, Our Lord, Come!”


as the Bride burns for the Bridegroom,
this is a fragrant love story
by her, for Him.