“Our story is one of redemption. Like most redemptive stories they have known their share of war and pain...but then, the Lamb.”

As a brand new husband and wife, we collapsed into a valley of exhaustion. Each of us carried tents from the wilderness on our backs since we were children. We wanted to go home, but we didn't know where home was. We wanted to dwell in His sanctuaries, but felt like the gates eluded us.

It was one fateful day in our tiny studio apartment in Pasadena, California where we cried out to God and He answered. 

We made a promise to Him, as we sank to the floors on our knees, that if He would tell us what to do and tell us where to go, we would give it all up and follow Him.

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 
Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? 
And I said, Here am I. Send me!
Isaiah 6:8

The Lord spoke and gave us our undeniable mandate - to build for Him, that He may come.

It was in our groans and tear-stained prayers, crying out for a home, that Jesus revealed, He was too. He wanted to find a people who would build Him rooms that He could fill, gardens He could walk in, tables He could commune at, hands that would hold His, a home to call His own. He didn't need many, only a few; a few that would yearn for Him the way He yearns for us.

It was here that we promised, we would only do LIFE WITH HIM.
It was here that we cried, we will build you homes and they will be your KINGDOM HAUS.

Yes, our story is one of redemption. In that studio apartment, He saw us. He reached down and gave us a new name and a new song. He traded our tents for inheritance and put tools in our hands, calling us to build.

And so we have. 

Welcome home, Beloved.
They will remember Him here.

The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house, says the Lord Almighty. 

And in this place I will grant peace, declares the Lord Almighty.

Haggai, Chapter 2